Friday 16 May 2025
8PM to 10PM
FDIM 2025 - Homebrew Contest - Show and Tell
As in the past, we intend to allow entries in the Homebrew Contest to be displayed in the Ballroom on Club Night, Friday night, May 16, between 8PM and 10 PM. To enter an item in the contest and insure that it is part of the voting (on Friday night), you must register your item on Friday night between 7 PM and 8 PM. A registration table will be outside the main Ballroom at that time on both nights.
As is the FDIM tradition one of our Friday evening activities is a Homebrew contest, where the QRP community has the opportunity to bring in and show off projects from the previous year. Winners are selected by vote cast by fellow hams, and certificates awarded at Saturday's banquet.
There are five categories:
1. Station Accessories
2. Receivers, Transmitters Transceivers or Power Supplies
3. All Scratch Built
4. Test Equipment
5. Antennas and Solar Accessories.
I encourage everyone in QRP-ARCI to consider bringing projects from the previous year, or putting together something new in the weeks ahead. This is one of the highlights of our weekend as we showcase the creativity and skills of our group. I encourage everyone to bring something to add to the event.
Contact me if you have any questions.
73 DE Dave NM0S