The QRP Amateur Radio Club International 'Elmer Award' may be submitted by any QRPARCI member for someone who has helped them along their amateur radio journey. Traditionally Elmers were probably defined as someone, usually an older ham, who provided a helping hand and guidance for someone, usually younger, entering the ham radio community.
In today's fast paced, ever changing world of technology, communication advances, and the advancing age of many hams the Elmer can be viewed from a different perspective. Being licensed for many years, often decades, the tables can get reversed and it becomes the new, often much younger, ham who is performing the role of the Elmer by helping the more senior ham with guidance in new modes of communications and teaching some of the new technologies.
The more senior ham may need help with antenna work or other station needs and the ham who once was considered an Elmer now is in need of the services they once provided. By broadening the scope and definition more deserving hams may be acknowledged with an 'Elmer Award' by a member who has benefited from their help and guidance.
Download the QRP Award Application
The QRP Amateur Radio Club International 'Shortwave Listener's Award' is for reception of five (initial) QRP ARCI member QSO's. Only one side of the QSO need be a QRP ARCI member. The submission should include the call signs, QRP ARCI number (at least one), date, time, mode, and frequency of the monitored QSO.
While shortwave listening is not as popular as it once was this award is designed for those who elect to engage in SWLing. There are a number of hams who may have antenna restrictions that limit or severely restrict their participating in two-way, on-air contacts. At one time some countries required prospective hams to verify reception of amateur QSO's, however it is unknown if this is still the case.
Since many hams no longer use QSL cards, or QSL via electronic means, actual QSL cards are not required for this award. The usual endorsements may be requested such as band, mode, or so forth.
To make it easy to apply for the award all of the documentation has been saved into an Application Package
Download the QRP Award Application
The QRP-ARCI 1000 Mile per Watt award is one of the most popular. Send in the date of the QSO, the station the QSO was with, your power, and the distance of the contact.
To make it easy to apply for the award all of the documentation has been saved into an Application Package
Download the QRP Award Application Package
The QRP Century Award may be earned by completing a minimum of twenty-five (25) separate QSO's that cover a distance of one-thousand (1,000) miles-per-watt. The actual distance can be less that 1,000 miles depending on your actual power level. Divide the geographical distance by your actual power level to obtain the MPW. Endorsements may be added for mode, band, or other factor. Include a list of your QSO's with the application form. Submit using the consolidated Certification Form for QRP ARCI Awards form to the Awards Manager. Awards are free for current members (limited to five per year), others should submit $10 to the QRP ARCI Treasurer. Payment goes to the club Treasurer not the Award Manager. Multiple awards may be requested on a single application form.
Download the QRP Award Application